
1 It is my belief that good therapy occurs through building a trusting and collaborative relationship together, where you feel supported, goal directed and empowered. In therapy, we become partners in a process of understanding your strengths as you develop the insight necessary to facilitate the changes you aspire toward. Therapy, at it’s best, serves as a fundamental step toward improving relationships, reducing anxiety and tending to other issues which may prevent you from engaging in life; with purpose and authenticity; with joy; with genuine wellbeing.

I work closely with clients, giving pragmatic advice designed to address issues, such as relationship struggles, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, addiction, trauma and chronic illness. I am certified in the integration of mindfulness and psychotherapy and in the treatment of intimacy disorders and betrayal trauma.

My work with couples is informed by Emotionally Focused Therapy, a research based approach developed by Dr. Sue Johnson, who states that EFT "provides a map to what matters in intimate relationships: how they work, how they go wrong, and what is needed to put them right again", and by the research of Dr. John Gottman, whose "Sound Relationship House Theory" helps couples to strengthen their relationships in three primary areas: friendship, conflict management, and the creation of shared meaning". Through these empirically supported lenses, in combination with my own experience, I challenge couples to develop the interpersonal, and emotional regulation skills necessary to increase empathy, soften the tone and develop warmth and communication in their marriage.

My approach to psychotherapy stems from what I have garnered through nearly three decades of guiding children, teens, adults, couples and families as they navigate the trials and triumphs of their lives. I am caring, yet find virtue in being direct and pragmatic. I incorporate relational and evidence based perspectives with wisdom, humor and common sense. Together we can help you gain the life you want, even the life you truly deserve.