Services Provided

Dr. Oliver works with adults, young adults, adolescents, families and couples.

Individual Psychotherapy

Individual therapy is provided to help clients deal with many facets of human experience and is geared to the needs of each individual and their circumstances. I have a wide array of experience in helping clients with issues surrounding relationships, anxiety, depression, addiction and recovery, and parenting concerns.

Parenting Support

Consultation and ongoing parenting support is provided to parents of children and adolescents with mental health, behavioral, academic and substance abuse issues. Couples Therapy

Dr. Oliver provides psychodynamic and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to couples. EFT is an evidenced based approach, that helps couples address the negative patterns in their relationship, as they learn to understand, express and regulate emotions in a manner that increases intimacy and connectedness. She also utilizes Gottman's Sound Relationship House Theory.

Sexual Addiction Therapy & Assessment

Contact Dr. Oliver if you, your partner or a family member need assessment for sexual addiction, love addiction, pornography addiction or betrayal trauma. She is a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist with 26 years of experience in the treatment of addiction. There is an assessment to help you decide if you need help on the "Sexual Health" page of this website.

Mindfulness Instruction

Dr. Oliver can provide instruction and education in regards to mindful living and meditation to individuals and groups. Living mindfully can be life changing, and small moments of mindfulness can easily be integrated into our lives in ways that are profound and sustaining. To discuss how learning about mindfulness can help you, your family, group or institution contact the office or email me at [email protected].


I am trained in EMDR, a psychotherapy that has been shown to treat post traumatic stress, trauma and other issues such as phobias and anxiety.